Monday, 13 January 2014

Areas and volumes


  • Area of rectangles and triangles

  • Area of parallelograms and trapeziums

  • Volume of cuboids

  • Parts of a circle, circumference and area.


Area of a rectangle:

Area of a triangle:

More: Area of a triangle inside a rectangle

Area of a parallelogram:

Area of a trapezium:

(Note: this shape is also known as a trapezoid, but for your exam just use trapezium!)


A cuboid is a box-shaped object. Click the image below for more information.

V = l × w × h


A 'net' is the shape you get when you cut along the edges of a three dimensional object and lay it out flat.


Parts of a circle:

Copy the picture below, label the green and blue sections:
Answer is here.


Circle: Area and circumference


P162  Ex 18.1     Q 3

P165  Ex 18.2A  Q3

P165  Ex 18.2B  Q 1b, Q2b

P170  Ex 18.3B  Q 1, 2

P172  Ex 18.4     Q 3

P174  Ex 18.5A   Q 1 - 9

P176  Ex 18.5B  Q 1c, 1d, 2c, 2d.

P177  Ex 18.5C  d, e