Wednesday, 11 December 2013



  • Locus from a fixed point

  • Constructing a perpendicular bisector

    • (to find the locus that is equidistant from two points)

  • Locus from a line

  • Constructing the bisector of an angle

    • (to find the locus that is equidistant from two lines)

Locus from a fixed point

and the locus of all points at a fixed distance from a line.Watch the video here.

Constructing a Perpendicular Bisector

You can find the method by clicking on the image below:
Watch the video.

Constructing the perpendicular bisector helps you find the locus of points that are equidistant from two points.

Bisecting an angle

We use this method to find the locus of all points that are equidistant from two lines.

Some real world examples of loci

Watch a video of how loci apply in the real world.




P191 Ex 19      Q 3, 4, 5


P194   Ex 20    Q 4, 7, 9, 11